Online Schools
That is kind of nice of these folks to go to the trouble. If you read the backstory behind it all I think it is pretty noble.
So if you are reading this and took part in the selection process, thank you, I am honored.
The other award winners can be found here: www.onlineschools.org/top_buddhism
Not surprised at all. Congrats!
You've got a good blog, and so do the others awarded - but who are these folks doing the awards?
Thanks guys, I don't really know who these folks are.
I've been wondering lately if we know who anyone is.
"I've been wondering lately if we know who anyone is."
Good point. Me too.
Congratulations! Jordan! And well deserved! If nothing else, it's good for the ego! But I'm sure all those who read your blog would agree!
Hi Mom,
Thank you. There has been some suggestions out there on the inter webs that the award is a scam trying to get people to enroll in online schools, or at least get some free advertising. However, I don't really care either way. I think that our idea of ego is not so helpful. But I suppose it is easier to say than delusional sense of self.
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