
House Builder!

There is a line in the Dhammapada that goes:
House builder, you are seen!
you will not build a house again!
All the rafters are broken, the ridgepole destroyed;
The mind, gone to the unconstructed,
has reached the end of craving!

It has been resonating with since I listened to it over and over again on my last deployment. 
What I make of this is of course, related to how we like to build up our own little castles in our minds of how things are or how they should be. Quite a bit of cushion time could be devoted to this if I allow it to happen. The trick has been for me, catching myself in the act  "House builder, you are seen!"

I dont know so much about  
you will not build a house again!  Because I still do find myself building those castles again and again.  I do however think I am getting just a little bit better at catching the act.  And when I settle back into sitting, yes in that moment:
All the rafters are broken, the ridgepole destroyed;
The mind, gone to the unconstructed,
has reached the end of craving!
Well, at least until the next castle gets constructed. What this has been bleeding over to for me is meeting daily life as it is... on occasion. 


Anonymous said...


SlowZen said...

Indeed, I see you.

Anonymous said...

This verse is a favorite of mine as well. I believe it is the Buddha's victory speech, proclaimed just after he had direct insight into how the self is constructed. My housebuilder is still gainfully employed, no recession in sight :-S

SlowZen said...

Hello Anonymous,
I think that if everyone could just see the house builder, that would go a long way.

I am pleased that the line resonates with you too.

Thanks for looking!