Pattern of a Monk's patched robe.
Following this ancient Way, have a light heart.
Wild looking, bones hardened,
no one will notice you.
The poverty of a child of the Buddha is obvious,
but this poverty doesn’t include her Zen.
Patched robes show one’s poverty
but the mind of Zen is beyond all value.
The first line here agrees with me quite well: I do need the occasional reminder though. Persevere brightly! This morning I was faced with some difficulty. The light in the gas guzzler had been left on for the last two weeks. I noticed it when I was putting the car seats back in it while preparing to go back to work. I brought out the jumper cables, let it charge, and eventually got it started. Drove it about the block, hoping to get it to hold a charge long enough for it to start up later. Went back in the house, made a cup of tea finished preparing for work, went back out to check and see if it would start up… No joy! Called the office, said I would be late, sighting my car troubles. Brought the jumpers back out and fired it back up again. Noticed it was also nearly out of gas! Drove it to the fueling station apprehensively switched it off, filled up, and it started up! Instead of risking leaving Hannah at daycare I swung by and picked her up on the way home, (an hour early) and left it running while I picked her up. Got home dropped her off and finally left for work. On the drive into work I though to myself, it is the inconveniences that make life interesting. I actually enjoyed the little adventure despite the inconvenience.
The second and third lines could be taken at face value. I tend to feel that this could be misleading. When you realize you have nothing, you gain everything.
This sure sounds like some mystical hucksterisim! But it is the truth. Nothing is really yours. And if you get nothing be happy! No don’t go selling off the family farm. This is kind of difficult for me to explain as some may think it is a bit esoteric.
I initially had written a whole lot about this and realized I was kind of typing is circles.
I am quite sure there is a better way to say this but this is how I see it right now:
If you have that beginners mind, you have a kind of poverty. But in a good way! You can appreciate each moment and all that it brings. That is, to me, above all value.
I welcome comments, but I may integrate them into the commentary.
I hope that my efforts are helpful in clearing my own delusion as well as that of others,
I love reading your blog and really have missed responding the last few days.
As your mother, I find it fascinating to watch how you're growing and I love that you're loving life! Even the irritating little gliches it throws you!
I especially relate to what you said about the irritations that somehow add to one's life--yes, you were late to work and you needed to make some adjustments, but those adjustments gave you a different perspective and different paths to follow than the ones your routine follows on a daily basis. I imagine you saw different traffic patterns and different people as well.
And when you can give up everything you suddenly have everything. Our Higher Power somehow always gives us just what we need when we need it.
Glad you are enjoying it. I have not been posting as much lately because of visitors and travel. Looks like I will be taking off for work again next month, a little longer trip this time, maybe about two weeks of intensive travel.
I am so sorry you'll be traveling so close to the holidays. I know this will be hard on your family.
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