The six realms of existence are a dream,
in waking they are nowhere to be found.
No error, no happiness, no loss, no gain;
you won’t find these in the Actual Nature.
Having given up wiping dust from the mirror,
its brilliance is completely seen.
The six realms are something that I have used a few times in the past to describe where I have been at a present moment. Although Wikipediea and I don’t agree on what they are.
I have read that the six realms are that of an Animal, a hungry ghost, an Asura, a Human Being, a Bodhisattva and a Buddha.
In waking they are nowhere to be found This rings true to me. When I am in a balanced state there are no six realms. This is plain and simple. When I am in Zazen or in other practice there is no taint of an Animal, a hungry ghost, an Asura, a Human Being, a Bodhisattva and a Buddha within me. Not that I get there often, even on the Zafu.
No error, no happiness, no loss, no gain;
you won’t find these in the Actual Nature.
This seems to be just fine as it is. Everything is perfect as it is. It is important that Actual Nature is capitalized. All too often I get my desire up. Wanting something to be different than how they actually are. Yes there are things than need changing, like the litter box. But it is no error that the litter box is full. It just happens. The poo is always somewhere and it has to be somewhere.
Having given up wiping dust from the mirror,
its brilliance is completely seen
I think this is just a metaphor for accepting what is. But still not an excuese to not take care of the litterbox.
I welcome comments, but I may integrate them into the commentary.
I hope that my efforts are helpful in clearing my own delusion as well as that of others,
Nice look with the blog.
I think and feel (IT&F) the author may be referencing the poems written by the sixth patriarchs
Having given up wiping dust from the mirror,its brilliance is completely seen. Is this not realising that our essential nature is pure. Free from defilements. Likewise, free from all praise and that which we concieve as conventially good and bad. If this state can be realized, then even dust and mirrors disappear (supposedly). Until then, alot of dusting must take place. Now I must go sit on my ass and start dusting.
Wow! Color! Cool!
Thanks Jordan.. It's very helpful to me going over this with you.
I liked your last sumi too.
Love the burnt orange, redish background. A great testament to your support of the pro democracy movement in Burma.
Song of freedom, some weighty stuff. I've been enjoying your commentary on it -- most illuminating.
take care,
Glad you appreciate the new look.
I have little doubt what you have said about the poems of the 6th patriarch is also true.
Mom, Thank you for stopping by.
The last Sumi-e is my first trip completely off the reservation. No cheating and looking at the book as I worked on that one. I have been eyeballing some Japanese Wcolor Ink trays. 21 dollars just for Red. Now admittedly it is like a bunch of different shades of red, but no wonder most folks just stick to Black ink!
Thank you for stopping by!
The mainstream media seems to have forgot about Burma already. So human, so sad. i am going to the Portland Buddhist Priory on Sunday.
My normal attires are dark blues browns greens and black. Tomorrow I have a brick red shirt I will proudly be sporting. I also plan on addressing the sangha and getting them involved if they are not already.
All, Be well and happy,
Having given up wiping dust from the mirror,its brilliance is completely seen
Yamakoa, Jordan:
I think this is more a case that it is the act of trying to clean the mirror that prevents the mirror from functioning. The mirror is what exists when no attempt is made to change what is.
An alternative picture: Imagine a small lake or pool in a mountain. It will reflect perfectly all that is around it if there is no wind. However if there is any wind or any movement in the pool then it's clarity is lost.
A lot of what passes for practice is creating ripples that need not be there.
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