
First Light 2011

Normally I write some stuff about a revolution around the sun and stuff.  Not this year.  Besides, every day it is the beginning of another revolution around the sun so whats the big deal eh?

This year we woke up early on new years day and participated in a local tradition of going out to to the ocean to catch the first rays of light hitting Okinawa...   As you can see from the photos, the clouds were not really cooperating.  

After that the family went out to Kin-Kannon-Ji (a Shingon temple that specializes in awamori) to do the fortune thing where you make a wish and grab a paper with some fortune on it.  I wished I could save all sentient beings, and the paper said that if I help people my wish will come true.  So there you have it!  I will fulfill the Bodhisattva vow! 

After that we paid homage to the local water god, and took some water from a hot spring.

Than we went to a local shopping mall, got some gift bags for the kids, and generally did our part to support the local economy.  

Now I'm writing this pretty uninspired blog post and I think next I'm going to practice some brushwork... or take a nap I have not yet decided.

Tomorrow Zazen will be offered from 0930-1200, followed by tea and talk.


真行  said...

Happi 2011!

Uku said...

Happy New Year, Jordan! Nice pictures!

oxeye said...

Jordan, Looking forward to seeing your after nap brushwork. Make sure and share it with us. Oh, and Happy New Year!

Lauren said...

A billion years ago I experienced "hatsu hi no de" in Imabari on Shikoku. I think it's similar to what you posted. I enjoyed your photos and the memories they brought back. Thanks. And O-shogatsu Omedeto.

SlowZen said...

It wont last, you'll see.

Uku, Thanks!

Jeff, Sorry, all the brushwork ended up in the bin...

Lauren, Yes, I think that is it.

Thanks for looking!